Guida senza patent

The adventure quotidian Guida senza patent is torn apart with imprints on his book. One of the most popular social groups, composes a friendly match between Daniele Marzano and Mickol Lopez and the three lollipops, has been published by Poco Lascia splendere la tue meraviglia (Fabbri Editor, 15,90 euros).

“Guide to the patent” in libraries with Lascia splendere la tua meraviglia
They’re the ones who parted when the testimonials of gravidanza were so certified that mamma was incanta, fino ai giorni nostri, ora that Samuel was seven years old, David Quattro and Liam un anno e mezzo. Nell volume marito and moglie incoraggiano and piccoli ad appreciation la loro unicità, a sviluppare i loro talenti, a credere in se stessi. Il libro sarà presentat domani pomeriggio alla libreria popolare tadino, ma i posti sono già esauriti. Danielle and Mickol replica on Saturday, March 26, at 10.00 am in the Cascina Roma of San Donato Milanese in the final concert of the Memorial.

Guidance is not a patent. Guide his patent has always been a no-brainer for this stereotype. «From now on if there is a lot of maternity, but è ankora raro sentire i papà racontare la loro esperienza e quando succede in genere si deskrevi un papà comico e goffo: una figura che speriamo sia un po ‘sorpassata», spiega Mickol.

Danielle, what are you doing?

«Come to our social, sono a papà che cambia i pannolini, che chiede il congedo di paternità, che accompagna i figli alle visite mediche, che per tre volte si with la moglie si divide equamente i compiti. All this is a beautiful Persian word “mammo”.

Veniamo al libro. A chi rivolto?

Mickol: “E ‘corresponds to the illustrations of” sognanti “, but is a book for adults, which at the time could possibly be legal. Let us consider our experience, establishing an equilibrium from the vision of genuineity of the genius and the idea that in this quest we must have a folly. No new scriver è stato to mezzo per trasmetere a Samuel, David and Liam il nostro amore e perché facessero di questo amore la malta per creare la loro autostima, per poter un domani essere degli adult adult felici.

Integrated Capitol Parliament “Una vita da mezzano”.

D: «E’s dedicato a David, il mezzano. Paraphrasing the canon of Ligabue Una vita da mediano, lui has made the rulo more difficult, more stimulant. We are not always looking for merit, but we are not a bomber, and we are not even going to be tough. He’s the one who’s got the cost, who agreed to the squad, the family, to take the house to Victoria.

Milano è a misura di bambino?

D: «E’ is a city that has a lot of possibilities for everyone. We have initiated important initiatives, even with the community, supporting the online campaign of bloggers to find out the presciences of the fasciato nei bagni degli uomini o negli spazi comuni: a mod even for favoring the family omogenitorial or with papà. When new adventures occur Milano responds ».

Which andrebbe cambiato?

D: «La mentalità. At least locally and childishly weird like the elements of disturbed perch parlano ad alta voce, even from what the world knows. Innovative users will continue to favor the smartworking for geniuses: not a privilege, but a necessity.

Who wants to go to Milano?

D: mi Amiamo andare nei parchi vicino a casa nostra, come quelli delle Cave e dei Fontanili. Frequently we even mentioned the parquet sampione, the castello sforzesco and ci piace pranzare con gli amici in restaurant dotati di area giochi. We are ready to make every effort to make it clear to the pace.

Come on in, take a look?

D: «When the pandemia è induced Mickol was incarnate in Liam. In one of the first rounds we had a poo ‘precoccupation that not all was well. Then we try to see the positive side.

In what mode?

D: «Durante le due gravidanze precedenti ho semper assistito a tutte le visite. Nel 2020 and papà not potevano farù piì, così ho seguito le ecografi da casa sullo schermo con i primi due figli: In this case, we are looking forward to hearing from the children in general, as well as from what the magician sacrificed, and all the donuts that his state cosplay to the lascivious lachro dovevano restored the house with his head to the school of the school.

Don’t you think that even the most powerful social networks can make you fastidious in the future?

M: «E’ a reflection that we have already done. We consider declaring affidavits in front of “divisive” and not publicizing our photos that can be found in embossed, ridiculous, and baby names. The first time we’ve had a love affair with a loro confronti, which is so fatty and immaginable a futuro in which loro ci chiederanno di “cancell Click here

By Larry

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